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With high quality standards, special innovations and individual customer support, Minimax offers unrivaled fire protection solutions worldwide.
On this page you will find all the "Technical Product information" to our product portfolio.
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Minimax offers the complete range of fire protection systems and components. These meet the highest requirements and can be combined into an effective and economic solution.
All signals converge in the fire alarm control panel which sets off alarms to permanently manned stations and the fire department. In addition, the fire detection technology controls and monitors in many cases all fire protection systems.
Water is the most natural of all extinguishing agents and is usually available in sufficient quantities at a reasonable price. It prevents smoke as well as pollutants, the extinguishing effect is based on its heat retention capacity.
Minifog water mist systems disperse the extinguishing water very finely through special nozzles and sprinklers and/or increased operating pressures. At the same time, the overall surface of the extinguishing water is increased, enabling it to absorb heat and evaporate faster. The related cooling and smothering effect makes it possible to fight fires in a particularly effective way with a reduced consumption of extinguishing water.
During a fire, foam extinguishing systems spread large-scale foam blanket through foam pipes, foam monitors, sprinklers or nozzles. The foam is applied on the burning material, extinguishes the fire and serves as a deterrent against re-ignition. Foam extinguishing systems are suitable for protecting high-risk areas, e.g. due to flammable liquids or plastics.
Gas-based suppression systems fight fires without side effects and without leaving extinguishing agent residues even in areas that can not be reached by sprinklers. The extinguishing effect is based on the replacement of oxygen by the inert gases argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide as well as by heat extraction through the synthetic gases.
Small extinguishing systems often resemble large extinguishing systems in their structures. They are not defined by a certain extinguishing agent, but are rather characterized by their compact and precise designs, which make them particularly well suited for certain applications.
Spark extinguishing systems detect initial ignition in suction and conveying systems and produce instantly a water curtain with their automatic extinguishing feature to smother smoldering particles. These systems are recommended for use in areas where combustible materials are transported pneumatically and where there is a high risk of fires or dust explosions due to sparking or smoldering particles.
Fire prevention systems reduce the air oxygen content in the protection area through a controlled supply of nitrogen to create a "fire-safe" atmosphere. This prevents fires right at the outset. Depending on the deployed fire prevention system, the development of the "fire-proof" atmosphere is either permanent or on-demand.
Inveron is a transparent and user-friendly system for visualizing and operating fire detection, extinguishing and hazard detection. All reports and events are automatically merged in a user interface and presented on a screen. Inveron offers ideal monitoring particularly for complex building structures.
Many branches of industry involve special fire risks and so present special requirements for the fire protection concept. With our know-how and our broad range of products we are the right partner where individual solutions are required.
Even small fires can paralyze an entire production plant. The fire risk is substantial: technical defects in production systems, open construction and connected production areas promote the rapid development of fire.
Vessels and other off-shore areas have disproportionately high security requirements, due to the special conditions at sea, as a quick escape is impossible and outside help for extinguishing a fire is often not available.
Damage caused by fire in just one part of a power station is sufficient to endanger the entire electricity supply. The fire risks are manifold: escaping lubricating oils that ignite on hot surfaces, or technical defects such as short circuits or overheating of turbines that cause a fire.
Publicly accessible areas require fire protection that provides comprehensive protection for people. The fire risks are manifold. Whether shorts circuits on demo models or lighting in commercial premises, a high fire load affects the considerable quantities of goods in the confined spaces of logistics areas.
Personal protection is a top priority, as the fire risks are manifold. Careless smoking, short circuits in lighting systems or technical equipment or even arson may cause a fire.
Regular monitoring of signaling and extinguishing systems and their maintenance are important preventive measures in order to permanently ensure functionality. Our service ensures a proper and timely execution for all fire protection systems.
Fire protection systems are complex safety systems, which must be absolutely reliable in case of emergency. Regular maintenance and repairs are the prerequisite for ensuring that not only the function but also the insurance protection of your company is ensured.
Components which for example minimize the risk of false release or make function tests significantly easier may be retrofitted without significant expenditure.
Inspections of the functioning state and if needed the exchange of relevant components are often indispensable in order to maintain the reliability and effectiveness of an extinguishing system running even after long years of operational readiness.
Environmental- and operating conditions of an extinguishing system are continuously recorded with electrical monitoring. Deviations from the target state are automatically displaced, saving long inspection rounds.
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Regardless of whether it’s after school, vocational training or study, whether after your first work experience or as someone making a career change - Minimax offers the right step for everyone. We will be happy if you too can make your way to our company.
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