Experts in fire protection

Professional services

Fire protection systems are complex safety systems, which must be absolutely reliable in case of emergency. Regular maintenance and repairs are the prerequisite for ensuring that not only the function but also the insurance protection of your company is ensured. 

Our Minimax service has a high degree of expertise and experience and offers you the necessary safety with regard to the professional execution of all maintenance and repair work.

Maintenance & repair

The goal of maintenance is to ensure the highest possible system availability and the safe function of a system. During maintenance, measures are taken to maintain the desired condition of a system. Abrasion resulting from the intended use of the system components is thereby delayed.

Inspections are used to determine and assess the actual condition of a system and to identify possible repair measures at an early stage, prior to a plant failure. The assessment of the necessary measures is carried out with regard to reliability, maintainability, safety, function and maintenance.

Co oferujemy w ramach serwisu instalacji przeciwpożarowej?

W naszej działalności dążymy do zapewnienia wszechstronnego wsparcia dla naszych klientów. Oferujemy przeglądy, konserwacje oraz naprawy wszystkich instalacji gaśniczych, w tym instalacji tryskaczowych, wykonanych w dowolnym standardzie: VdS, FM Global, NFPA, PN-EN. W przypadku awarii zapewniamy pomoc i szybkie przywrócenie systemu do trybu gotowości, co pozwala zminimalizować potencjalne straty. W ramach stałej umowy serwisowej oferujemy kontakt 24/7.

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