Did you know that even the dry pipe networks of your sprinkler system can corrode on the inside?
After the installation of a sprinkler system the dry pipe network is filled with water. The same applies every five years during leakage tests. Despite the subsequent thorough drainage, humidity remains in the dry pipe network that can have a sustained corrosive effect.
While in operation, dry pipe systems are filled with compressed air. When pressure drops, for example, due to leaks at the joints and pipe connections, compressors refill the pipe networks with air. The moisture contained in the compressed air condenses in the pipe network and continues the corrosion process.
Regular draining of the dry pipe network prevents the liquids in the pipes from freezing, but does not prevent corrosion.
Nitrogen helps: The nitrogen concentration is increased in the dry pipe networks, reducing oxygen to an equal amount. This slows down corrosion in the pipe network - despite the presence of moisture.
The nitrogen will be inserted manually by a Minimax service technician, using a high pressure cylinder. The PipeGuard N2eo nitrogen generator automatically levels out pressure loss when leaks are detected.
Nitrogen molecules are larger than those of oxygen, lowering the pressure drop with increasing nitrogen content. No additional moisture is brought into the pipe network with the nitrogen, keeping the pipe systemdry.
The conversion of your sprinkler system pays off considerably: you increase your operational safety and avoid potential costs for premature pipe replacement. This way, you sensibly secure your investment.
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