Experts in fire protection
Foam is a highly effective extinguishing agent
April 15, 2020 - Technologies

Foam is a highly effective extinguishing agent

It exploits different extinguishing technologies: Cooling, suffocating, separating, plugging, insulating and displacing.

Dur­ing a fire, foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems dis­trib­ute large-scale foam blankets via foam mon­it­ors, sprink­lers or nozzles. The foam is ap­plied to the burn­ing ma­ter­ial, ex­tin­guishes the fire and serves as a de­terrent against re-ig­ni­tion. Foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems are suit­able for pro­tect­ing high-risk areas, e.g. due to flam­mable li­quids or plastics. The ad­justable low to ex­tremely high foam­ing op­tion of­fers an op­timum ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect for every type of risk.